Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Gotta wonder what this means

After seeing this, it really makes you wonder about those stereotypes about oriental food:

This photo was taken in Tokyo, by the way.


unMuse said...

i could probably only eat dog and cat if i wasn't told beforehand what it was. If I tried it and liked it, then found out, I'd probably have more. But I couldn't order something after seeing the cute pictures of what it's made of.

Martini Whore said...

Agreed, although i did eat dog in Korea and i knew what it was beforehand. Taste? Let's just say i'm not really dying to try it again, that's for certain.

unMuse said...

you know what's funny about your post? It came at the same time some people on flickr were freaking out because an asian girl had posted a picture of a dog on a spit, waiting to be roasted. americans can be highly intolerant of other cultures.

Martini Whore said...

Funny thing is, alot of Koreans think WE'RE weird for eating and milking cattle.